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Points for attention with regard to price transparency enforcement in the travel sector

In the 2012-2013 agenda of the Netherlands Consumer Authority "Untransparent prices in the travel industry" were identified as priority. It appears that during the booking of airline tickets and other holiday products, such as the renting of holiday homes or the booking of journeys, these services can often not be purchased for the price they are advertised at.

The Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) wants consumers to be better informed about the price of the standard offer. This means that it must be clear on time what is included in the offer. And that the presentation of the price is complete and transparent. In addition, any additional options for consumers, as well as the costs thereof, must be made clear and transparent at the beginning of the booking process.

The above has prompted ACM to once again draw attention to five important aspects with regard to price transparency. These points for attention are central in the enforcement efforts in the travel sector. ACM is calling on providers to take the rules to heart. Providers who comply with these points for attention will, with regard price transparency, in principle not have to deal with enforcement by ACM.


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