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ACM study: one in ten consumers switches energy contracts following telemarketing calls or door-to-door sales

Publication News 11-06-2024

The Monitor on the consumer experience of ACM has revealed that one in ten consumers that switched to a different energy contract last year did so following an offer (usually unsolicited) made over the phone or by a salesperson at the door.

Blog Paul de Bijl: Tacit collusion

Publication Blog 05-06-2024

ACM recently published its provisional report on the Dutch savings market. Paul de Bijl, Chief Economist of ACM, explains the term ‘tacit collusion’ in his latest blog.

Choosing a health-insurance plan is still difficult for consumers

Publication News 04-06-2024

The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) and ACM conducted a joint study into the differences between standard health-insurance plans as well as the choices of consumers.

Owner of takes website offline following ACM action

Publication News 31-05-2024

ACM has carried out an investigation into the website following reports that the website possibly misled consumers. The owner has taken down the website.