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Pilotage tariffs will increase by 3% in 2020

Following the tariff proposal of the Dutch Maritime Pilot's Association (NLc), the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has set the pilotage tariffs for 2020. These tariffs will increase by 3.03% compared with last year.

The tariffs would have increased by slightly over 4%, based on cost projections. However, as more funds than necessary had been raised via the tariffs in the past for funding the pre-pensions scheme, it is possible to offset the tariff increase by a maximum of 1 percentage point per year. That is why the tariff increase for 2020 is effectively slightly over 3%.

Based on recent global trade forecasts, fewer vessel passages are projected for 2020 compared with the previous year. The slight cost increase of the Dutch pilots must therefore be spread over fewer vessel passages.

In line with the tariff proposal, ACM also set the tariffs and fees for the other services and tasks such as education and examination of declaration holders (these are exempted from the pilotage requirement). These tariffs increase by, on average, 1%.

How does ACM regulate the pilotage market?

Each year, ACM determines what costs the pilots are allowed to include in their prices, based on a tariff proposal that the NLc submits halfway through the year. ACM subsequently assesses the proposal, and sets the tariffs in a tariff decision. Maritime pilots enjoy a monopoly position. That is why ACM as independent regulator assesses whether or not they charge unreasonably high tariffs.

