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Overzicht elektriciteitstarieven 2019 Saba (Caribisch Nederland)

De ACM publiceert de tarieven voor de regulering van het elektriciteitsbedrijf op Saba.

Maximum tariffs Saba Electric per January 1st 2019

This overview shows the tariffs that Saba Electric can maximally charge the customer effective from January 1st, 2019. These tarrifs are net of subsidy by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

Variable distribution tariff: 0,3516 USD/kWh

Fixed distribution tariff (USD per month)

Tariff category (KVA)

Capacity tariff excl. subsidy 2019

Tariff category (KVA)

Capacity tariff excl. subsidy 2019
3,2 31,23 63,3 617,82
7,7 75,15 78,3 764,22
13,3 129,81 83,3 813,02
18,3 178,61 93,3 910,62
23,3 227,41 98,3 959,42
28,3 276,21 100,0 976,02
38,3 373,81 125,0 1220,02
48,3 471,42 350,0 3416,05

Connection tariff

Tariff category (KVA)

Tariff (USD)
3,2 258,43
7,7 289,75

Tariff for trenchwork, if applicable: USD 82,43 per meter

Reconnection tariff: USD 40,00

This document contains the tariffs as set by the Authority for Consumers and Markets for the distribution tariffs for electricity for Saba Electric for the year 2019. These tariffs are set in the decision with reference ACM/18/033334 and filenumer ACM/UIT/503137.


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