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InSight 2020 - Better certification labels are necessary for making sustainable choices easier

People and businesses are finding it more and more important to make sustainable choices. As a regulator, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) finds it important that consumers and businesses are able to rely on well-functioning markets, and to make well-informed choices that are in their long-term interests and in those of future generations. Certification labels play a key role in that process.

That is why ACM will commit itself to providing more information about certification labels in order to increase awareness of their reliability, and to taking stricter enforcement action in the case of misleading practices. In addition, ACM calls on businesses to stop using individual company logos that give the impression that they meet some sort of statutory standard (or meet an even higher standard), to reduce the number of certification labels, and to make a greater effort in creating high-quality, uniform labels. Finally, ACM asks the Dutch legislature to introduce stricter rules for certification labels.

See also

17-7-2020 ACM calls on businesses to stop using misleading information regarding sustainability


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